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Opportunities > Fire Station Dublin - 2019 International Curators Residencies call


11 Nov 2018

Fire Station Dublin - 2019 International Curators Residencies call


2019 Open Call for International Curator Residencies at Fire Station Artists' Studios (FSAS) in Dublin.The aim of this residency programme is to provide opportunities for international curators to familiarise themselves with the Irish visual art scene, undertake research and make connections that will evolve into the future. Through these residencies FSAS aims to build associations between Irish artists, curators, art institutions and their artistic peers internationally.

During each residency FSAS encourages curators to simultaneously tease out their own research interests as well as conduct a series of studio visits and meetings with artists and professionals involved in the Irish contemporary arts sector. The advantage for an international curator visiting Dublin and Fire Station Artists’ Studios is easy access to a dynamic and growing visual art scene within a compact city that is manageable on foot.

Our Dublin city centre location is within walking distance of all major galleries both public and private and artists’ studios which are located close to Dublin city centre. In addition FSAS is located close to national rail and bus transport lines with easy access to the cities of Cork, Galway, Limerick and Belfast which all have distinct and vibrant art scenes. Fire Station’s established reputation, spanning 25 years of work, helps with key personnel contacts in both public and private art institutions, such as directors, curators, as well as with independent curators and artists.

What does the Fire Station Artists’ Studio residency offer visiting international curators?

  • A combined live and work studio that is located in Dublin’s historic north inner city centre. Images of the studio can be seen here
  • A €200 award towards subsistence
  • Access to our facilities including: the digital media resource centre, equipment, meeting room, reading area. Find a full list of facilities here
  • We prefer for visiting curators to create their own time-table of studio visits with our resident artists and other cultural practitioners to suit their own patterns. This can be done in advance, particularly if the visiting curator opts for a shorter stay. We are also available to offer structured support in the form of introductions to artists, art institutions, curators, galleries in Dublin city and nationwide on a case by case basis as needed.

What does the visiting need to do during their stay here?

  • All of our international curators are invited to do a short public talk here in our Project Space. Curators can opt to do this at the beginning of their stay as it’s a helpful way of meeting residents and/ or invite practitioners from Dublin and beyond to come and hear about their practice. Alternatively it can be a good way to round up a stay here.
  • We request that the visiting curator take part in a number of studio visits with Fire Station artists.
  • At the end of the stay we request each curator to write a brief report for our own evaluation purposes so that we can continue to refine our awarded residency programme.
  • Informally we ask visiting curators to bring along any previous publications or exhibition ephemera that relates to their recent work and / also recommend some active reading material that is of current interest to them so we can build our library.

Deadline: Thursday 11th November, 5pm