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Opportunities > Foreign curator residencies - La Galerie, Noisy-le-Sec


30 Nov 2014

Foreign curator residencies - La Galerie, Noisy-le-Sec



Applications are open for the 'Live in Noisy-and-Dry' foreign curator residency at La Galerie, Noisy-le-Sec, near Paris. The call is for the 3 month foreign curator residencies in both 2015 and 2016, with a proposal for developing an exhibition to be presented at La Galerie.

Since 2006, La Galerie, a contemporary art centre located in the suburbs of Paris, hosts each year a foreign curator in residence for a period of three months. The aim of the residency is to put on an exhibition at La Galerie within the context of a public art centre, to meet artists and professionals from the contemporary art field in France.

“Live in Noisy-and-Dry” - Residency for a foreign curator  - Call for applications 2015 and 2016

Deadline for applications for both sessions: November 30th 2014

This call concerns the next two residencies for curators, for the 2015 and 2016 sessions.
Please indicate which session you wish to apply for: spring 2015 or spring 2016. You have the possibility of applying for both.

2015 session
Residency dates : 8 April – 6 July 2015
Exhibition dates : 7 May – 18 July 2015
Deadline : application is to be emailed at the latest November 30th 2014 included.

2016 session
Residency dates : April – July 2016
Exhibition dates : May – July 2016
Deadline : application is to be emailed at the latest November 30th 2014 included.

The residency
The curator’s fee for his residency and exhibition project is 3000 €.
The curator’s travel costs for one ticket go and back are in charge of the art center.
The curator is hosted in a flat closed from the art center in Noisy-le-Sec.  The 65 m2 flat includes a bedroom, a living room/kitchen and a workspace and a cellar. The studio can  be used for public events (screenings, lectures, performance etc.).
Free accommodation is provided including costs of electricity, gas, internet and public transport.
The city of Noisy-le-Sec is 10 minutes by train from Paris plus 10 minutes walk from the station.

The exhibition
A total budget of 22.000 € is provided by the art centre to cover all expenses of the exhibition including:
– artists' fees and travel costs, production costs, shipment of the works, authors’ fees if needed.
– installation costs, scenography, renting for audio-visual devices…
– costs for the graphic design, translation, exhibition views and opening are included in this budget and are estimated at about 7000 €.
The art centre’s team (6 people) works in close collaboration with the curator and accompanies him / her in his / her researches and in all the aspects of the production of the exhibition. The art centre takes in charge the costs for the printing and postmail of invitations and the publication of a journal (bilingual French / English) and of a journal for children. The art centre can provide a video-projector and sound devices.

Download residency application guidelines in English