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Opportunities > France | Danse Élargie interdisciplinary competition | call for proposals


21 Mar 2012

France | Danse Élargie interdisciplinary competition | call for proposals


Danse Élargie is an international competition. Artists working in all disciplines, from across the spectrum of the visual and performing arts, are invited to create new work exploring the stage as an arena for experimental encounters between the arts.

Danse Élargie is a unique venture designed to provoke debate and challenge the conventional categorisation of artistic disciplines. It was co-devised by Boris Charmatz and Emmanuel Demarcy Mota, respectively directors of the Musée de la danse, Rennes and the Théâtre de la Ville, Paris.

The only restrictions are the length of the finished work (maximum ten minutes), and the number of performers (minimum three). The first competition, held in June 2010, exceeded all expectations : 360 works submitted from 22 countries, a shortlist of 20 sparking passionate debate among members of the jury, five overall winners.

Visibility for the shortlisted entries extends beyond the formal, two-day competition : most of the 2010 artists have been followed and supported through to the staging of their next piece of work. Six projects led to residencies at the Musée de la danse in Rennes, and a month-long season of productions at the Théâtre de la Ville-les Abbesses in September 2011.
The Fondation d’entreprise Hermès has been closely involved in both stages of the project – the formal competition, and subsequent productions.

To submit a new project, all that is needed is your desire to be on the stage of the Théâtre de la Ville, Paris for ten minutes (maximum) with three performers (minimum).

Download the pdf. CALL FOR PROJECTS

The competition DANSE ÉLARGIE is open to artists of all nationalities and ages, irrespective of their principal or original artistic discipline (visual arts, theatre, dance, music, architecture, design...). The competition is open to all types of dance, in the broadest possible definition of the term. Projects entered for the competition must feature at least three performers onstage, and not exceed ten minutes in length.

Candidates must submit the following documents BY MARCH 21, 2012 (date as postmark):

  •  A signed and completed entry form (available for download at

  • A brief description of the project (maximum one page).

  •  Biography(ies) of the author(s) (maximum one page).

  •  A DVD presenting an outline/prototype of the project, with, if available, a previous work (maximum length 10 minutes)

See Regulations for all other details.