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Opportunities > France: International Curator Training Programme


30 Jun 2010

France: International Curator Training Programme

None The course, referred to as L’Ecole du Magasin, is a training programme developed by the Magasin - National Centre for Contemporary Art in Grenoble, France. Its object is curatorial practices.

L'Ecole du Magasin is a ten-month international curatorial training programme that specialises in the coordination of artistic and exhibition-related projects.

The school's training programme has two objectives: On the one hand, to complement the academic training of the participants by giving them access to theoretical and practical knowledge with which they are otherwise unfamiliar and by introducing them to other cultures; and, on the other hand, to accompany the participants in the critical analysis of curatorial practice and in direct contact and exchange with various actors, as they enter the professional world of contemporary art.

L'Ecole du Magasin is an independent research programme.  It was founded in 1987.  Its teaching is developed independently of an academic institution and is based on the elaboration and production of a collaborative exhibition project. Through study trips, independent research, seminars, and meetings with established professionals, and in view of enriching and strengthening their final project, participants are confronted with various curatorial formats. Presented in a professional art venue, the concluding exhibition project allows each participant to acquire the technical and conceptual skills necessary for mastering the curatorial process.


For each annual session, the Magasin launches an appeal for national and international applications. The candidates file an application. When the applications have been selected, an interview finalises the selection.
A session is opened after recruiting a maximum of 10 candidates.

The course lasts 10 months and totals 1,200 hours of theoretical and practical training.  It takes place at the Magasin – National Centre for Contemporary Art, Bouchayer-Viallet, 155 cours Berriat, 38000 Grenoble.  During the course, the students travel in France and abroad.

Students pay their lodgings, food, transport, insurance, etc… for their course in Grenoble and they pay 65 € in administrative expenses.  The cost of the training course is covered by the Ecole. The tuition is free.

Applications are accepted between 1 April 2010 and 30 June 2010.

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