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Opportunities > François Schneider Foundation | open call on theme of art and water


20 Nov 2020

François Schneider Foundation | open call on theme of art and water

Open call for visual arts entries on the theme of art and water from the François Schneider Foundation which aims to support creative artists by acquiring their works for the permanent collection and showcasing them which is entirely dedicated to the intersection between art and water.

This Competition is open to major visual artists, of all nationalities, at the mid-point of their career, the eligible disciplines are the following: painting, drawing, sculpture, installation, photography, video or any other form of plastic or visual art.

For installations and sculptures, artists have the possibility to present either an existing work or a project. For a project, a production budget must be attached.

For other art forms, only an existing work can be presented. No additional production budget can be allocated for paintings, drawings, photographs or videos. The work presented must be unique (for video or photography if the work includes editions, the allocation is different, see rules). Films, live shows and performances will not be accepted.

From this 10th edition onwards, 4 winning artists will be rewarded annually for their project or work. Two works or projects from the fields of sculpture or installation will be rewarded as well as two (existing) works from the rest of the visual arts (painting, drawing, photography, video).

A maximum of 4 “Contemporary Talents” prize-winners will be chosen from amongst the candidates, each of whom will receive €15,000 for the acquisition of their work. The endowment also includes:

    • A collective exhibition at the Foundation’s Contemporary Art Centre
    • A bilingual publication presenting the prize-winners’ work
    • The inclusion of the work in the Foundation’s collection
    • A video portrait of each of the laureates.

The call for applications for the 10th edition is open for entries until November 20, 2020.