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Opportunities > Fukuoka Asian Art Museum | call for visiting artists, researchers, curators


29 Feb 2016

Fukuoka Asian Art Museum | call for visiting artists, researchers, curators

None faam museum

Open call from Fukuoka Asian Art Museum in Japan for “Visiting Artists, Researchers and Curators in Residence - Support Program 2016.” This program provides various supports for grant-aided artists from Asia and researchers/curators on Asian art who wish to produce artwork or conduct to research by staying in Fukuoka at their own expense.

By accepting artists from Asia and researchers/curators on Asian art to stay in Fukuoka for a certain period of time and support their art-making and research activities, Fukuoka Asian Art Museum (FAAM) aims to contribute to the development of Asian art and to become a platform for art exchange in Asia.

Moreover, by implementing various art exchange programs such as collaborative art-making and workshops during their stay, the FAAM provides opportunities for the local people of Fukuoka to directly engage with art. The FAAM believes these opportunities will result in broadening and deepening the public understanding of Asian art, thus cultivating the regional culture.

Number of Invitees: Artists, Researcher/Curators: Total 1-3 invitees

Residency Period and Duration: May to July 2016 (30-90 days)

Eligibility—Who can apply
 Artists, researchers/curators who already have a degree of experience in presenting their work and/or activities and who have the potential for future growth in their art field.

 For artists; Shall be based in and hold the nationalities of one of the countries or the region listed below. [Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Korea, Laos, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam]
 For Researchers/Curators: Shall possess a degree of experience and long-term prospects in the studies of Asian modern and contemporary art. Open to all nationalities.

 Artists: should speak Japanese or English good enough for daily communication and art-making in Japan.
 Researchers/Curators: should have a good command of Japanese or English for their research

FAAM will provide a studio or workspace for selected residents and facilitation for their stay.

*The FAAM does NOT cover any expenses for the residency in Fukuoka (e.g. the cost for travel, accommodation, food, materials for art-making, etc.)