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Opportunities > Galeri Nasional Indonesia | artist residency open call


20 Jul 2014

Galeri Nasional Indonesia | artist residency open call

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International call for the Galeri Nasional Indonesia Artist in Residence Program | 6 visual artists will be selected for a 2 month residency in August/September 2014. Based in Jakarta with visits to Bandung and Jogjakarta, concludes with exhibition at national gallery.

Deadline for applications: July 20

The Artist in Residence Program by Galeri Nasional Indonesia is a visual art activity program that provides opportunities to visual artists to settle, do research, make experiments, and create their artworks within the frame of Galeri Nasional Indonesia for a certain amount of time in activities ranging from work presentations, workshops, discussions, excursions, and publications of the study results to the public by means of artwork exhibitions and artist talks.

In 2014, Galeri Nasional Indonesia opens up new opportunities to visual artists who will take part in the residency to present their project proposals using an approach within the concept of “Cultural Interpretation and Dialog”, which involves how the residency participants respond, address, or give meaning to the phenomena and potentials of art and culture in Indonesia in general, and in big cities such as Jakarta, Yogyakarta and Bandung in particular, through works in contemporary modern visual art. Various social and cultural aspects with all kinds of problems that become parts of a city may be a source of inspiration for a work.

The artists’ residency program includes:

Excursion and research:

During the first week of residency, the participants are introduced to art and culture activities in Indonesia, especially in three big cities: Jakarta, Bandung, and Yogyakarta, by visiting a number of visual arts exhibition events, interacting with some art studios/communities, and meeting several professional artists to have talks and exchange experiences and visual arts discourses. Along with the introduction process, the participants begin to conduct their research and creative experiments in order to support the process of work production.

Work Production:

The residency participants produce their works according to their respective project proposal, and they may also develop their work concepts based on the results of their research and experiments.

Presentation and Discussion on the Progress of Work Production:

During work production, the residency participants deliver their presentations on their work progress every week and get themselves involved in discussions with the curators at Galeri Nasional Indonesia and fellow residency participants.


At the end of the program, the participants present on their works through an exhibition in the temporary exhibition room at Galeri Nasional Indonesia.

Artists Talk:

The residency participants present their showcased works in the form of concept elaboration and open discussion with the public.

Application Process:

Those who wish to take part may send an application by meeting certain requirements, including:

  1. Residency participants are Indonesian and foreign visual artists with a maximum age of 35 at the time of registration.

  2. Sending a project proposal (maximum 2500 words), curriculum vitae, and a photo of the artist/visual artist.

  3. Artworks at the residency may be of a contemporary visual which is interdisciplinary in nature (can be painting, sculpture, ceramics art, new media art, photography, and other alternative media).

  4. The motivation to join the Galeri Nasional Indonesia Artist in Residence Program (maximum 2500 words).

  5. Six (6) residency participants, national and international visual artists, will be selected.

  6. All documents are sent through email to

Residency amenities:

Galeri Nasional Indonesia covers the costs of transportation (return tickets) from the artist's home to Jakarta, accommodation, work production, per diem/daily allowances during the event, and exhibition.


Registration opens on July 6th and closes on July 20th, 2014.

Implementation of residency:

The artist in residence event will be implemented for two (2) months in August- September 2014.