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Opportunities > Germany | Curator for DANCE Biennale 2025


01 Feb 2023

Germany | Curator for DANCE Biennale 2025

The Department of Arts and Culture of the City of Munich, Germany, is currently looking for a curator or a curatorial team for the upcoming series of DANCE Biennale from 2025.

The successful candidate’s mission is to create a festival programme that is highly original and relevant to society, and to ensure that it is publicised widely. The contract period starts in mid-2024 and covers up to 3 festival editions.

DANCE, the Munich Festival of Contemporary Dance, has taken place every 2 years in early spring since 1987. DANCE is produced by alternating curators with different artistic focuses and is organised by the The Department of Arts and Culture of the City of Munich.

DANCE is internationally recognised as an ambitious public festival, both in the diversity and quality of its programme. It is based on the criteria of diversity, inclusion and sustainability.

DANCE reflects current states of international contemporary dance. It should employ unique venues and feature genre-breaking experimental styles. 

For the realisation of the festival programme (including all fees and costs), approximately 688,000 EUR and rent contingencies are currently available on a biennial basis, subject to the respective municipal council decisions for the financial year.

Position requirements

  • Experience in the production and organisation of international festivals
  • Experience in project management and budgeting as well as in the acquisition of third-party funding
  • Knowledge of the national and international contemporary dance scene
  • Exceptional teamwork skills
  • A desire for communication and exchange
  • Excellent ability to read and write English
  • Eager willingness to travel

Application guidelines 

Deadline: 1 February 2023

Image: any attempt, Jan Martens © Phile Deprez