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Opportunities > Germany | Human-Machine international art & science fellowship


30 Apr 2020

Germany | Human-Machine international art & science fellowship

The JUNGE AKADEMIE of the Akademie der Künste, in partnership with VISIT, the artist-in-residence programme of the innogy Stiftung für Energie und Gesellschaft foundation, is offering a new international fellowship to fund projects at the interface between art and science on the topic of the human-machine relationship.

Artists from all disciplines may apply with a project for the very first time online and are invited to explore this complex subject area using artistic research approaches.

The theme is: Mensch-Maschine // Human-Machine

The deadline for application is 30 April 2020.

Artists from all disciplines are eligible to apply.

The thematic fellowship will be advertised three times until the end of 2022. Each fellowship is endowed with EUR 20,000 respectively and can be used for fees, travel cost, production costs and documentation. It must be possible to show the project in the context of an exhibition/presentation. Fellows shall also be given the opportunity to stay at one of the Akademie der Künste's studios in Berlin's Hansaviertel district as a guest.

See website for more details of the theme

Image: Akademie der Künste at Hanseatenweg. Photo © Erik-Jan Ouwerkerk