Germany | International 2020 Relief Fund for Organisations (outside Europe) in Culture and Education

On the initiative of the Goethe-Institut and the Federal Foreign Office of Germany, institutions working in international cultural cooperation have set up a relief fund. It is aimed at organisations abroad whose commitment is of great importance for artistic freedom and for a pluralistic society.
With the fund, projects that serve in particular to ensure the livelihood of these institutions will receive short-term and non-bureaucratic support. The Foreign Office is providing the basic funding of three million euros; the Goethe-Institut is coordinating the allocation of funds. A jury will select the funded projects. Together with the Berliner Künstlerprogramm of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the German UNESCO Commission, the S. Fischer Foundation, the Mercator Foundation, the Robert Bosch Foundation and the Siemens Foundation the Foreign Office and the Goethe-Institut form a consortium and invite other institutions to participate. In this context, the partners partly set their own accents.
Foreign Minister Heiko Maas stated, “Foreign policy is a lived partnership, especially in difficult times. It also involves a cultural policy mandate. For in times of physical distancing, cultural closeness is more important than ever. We in Germany have therefore built a network of international solidarity for culture and civil society. I am pleased that the Goethe-Institut has taken up the coordination of this fund. International cultural policy needs strong networks and structures. The Goethe-Institut can and should play a key role in this.”
Johannes Ebert, Secretary-General of the Goethe-Institut, says, “In many countries, institutions such as theatres, art spaces, or independent literary houses are already under pressure – not least due to the reinforcement of authoritarian forms of government and increasing restrictions on civil liberties. Many of these institutions, which are essential for critical and open dialogue, are now faced with serious financial challenges caused by the coronavirus crisis. Through the International 2020 Relief Fund for Organisations in Culture and Education we want to help these very organisations, for their existence is vital for the societies and for international dialogue.”
The funding is aimed at institutions from countries outside the European Union where there are no other funding options. They must also meet the following criteria:
- they do cultural work with relevance to civil society
- have been active for more than three years
- they are already known to the Goethe-Institut or the Foreign Office’s diplomatic mission abroad
- due to their structure, they are suffering from the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic
Structural projects can be supported, for example:
- Infrastructure maintenance or redevelopment projects that are limited in scope and time
- Start-up financing of structural measures
- Projects that serve (new) networking
- Projects for the development of new, digital formats and/or digital further training and qualification
The maximum funding for a project in the period from September to December 2020 is 25,000 euros.
For any queries regarding the application process please contact
PLEASE NOTE: there is no published deadline or format for applications - potential applicants should follow the information provided.
The International 2020 Relief Fund for Organisations in Culture and Education is being set up on the initiative of the Federal Foreign Office and the Goethe-Institut together with partners who come together in a consortium. The fund is open for the participation of more partners. The Foreign Office will provide basic funding of three million euros, while the Goethe-Institut is coordinating the allocation of funds. Numerous cultural organisations and private foundations from Germany, including the Berliner Künstlerprogramm of the DAAD, the German UNESCO Commission, the S. Fischer Foundation, the Mercator Foundation, the Robert Bosch Foundation and the Siemens Foundation are also generously providing funds or contributing with their own programs.
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