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Opportunities > Germany | NordArt 2012 | international call for visual artists


31 Jan 2012

Germany | NordArt 2012 | international call for visual artists


Call for applications from visual artists worldwide to participate in the international exhibition of visual arts: NordArt 2012, 02.06.–07.10.2012

Deadline for applications 31.01.2012
PDF download + application form

Kunstwerk Carlshutte, a non-profit initiative of the ACO Group, and the towns of Budelsdorf and Rendsburg, organises the NordArt, an annual international exhibition of visual arts from June to the beginning of October. The art exhibited at NordArt  is selected by a jury and features all visual art media. The exhibition in summer 2011 displayed the work of 250 artists from 55 countries, selected from 1200 applications from 72 countries. Curator of NordArt: Wolfgang Gramm.

Exhibition area:
The old foundry building in the Carlshutte (22,000 sqm), ACO Wagenremise (400 sqm), a 80,000 square metre sculpture park, as well as public spaces in the town.
For an impression of the exhibtion site visit the virtual tour

Application documents:
A Din A4 folder with the following documents:
1. (or sent by post upon request by sending us a stamped and addressed envelope (Euro 0.55 stamp)
2. Artist’s CV (short version)
3. List of the most important solo and group exhibitions
4. Photos of approx. 10 works which could be shown at Nord Art. Please label all the photos with the title, year of origin, technique, and size.
Please do not send any digital information or originals. Exception: DVD’s of video installations and performances.
Optional documents: own catalogues
Unfortunately, the return of application documents is not possible.

Application address and deadline:
Please send the documents by 31 January 2012 at the latest (postmark) to the NordArt office at the following address: Wolfgang Gramm, Kanalblick 26, 24814 Sehestedt, Germany

The jury is made up of artists, an art historian, and the supervisory board and management.
The jury will send out its decision in writing (by email or by post) by the beginning of March 2012.

Delivery address and other information:
The works selected by the jury must be delivered to the following address: Kunstwerk Carlshutte, Vorwerksallee, 24782 Budelsdorf, Germany, on 20 and 21 April 2012 (early delivery possible with the prior approval of the organisers).
All of the delivered works will be insured subject to the general insurance conditions from the time of delivery to the time of collection.
Transport costs are covered by the artist. We will be happy to help organise shared transport arrangements.

NordArt Catalogue:
A catalogue in DIN A4 format, in German/English, is produced for the exhibition with one page per artist. The digital photos and text on each of the participating artists
is requested when the jury’s decision is sent out and must be supplied by eMail within 10 days.
Please refer to the follwoing link for examples:
All participating artists receive a free copy of the catalogue.

Opening ceremony and general opening times:
Opening: Saturday 2 June 2012, 5 pm
Opening times: to 07.10.2012, Weds to Sun 11 am – 7 pm

The NordArt-Prize worth 10.000 Euros is being sponsered by Hans-Julius and Johanna Ahlmann (ACO Group) since 2010. Each year one artist is awarded with the aim to support the art and culture scene. The awardee will be annouced during „The Long Night of the Lights” in September and is invited to participate again in the following NordArt. The award ceremony will then take place at the opening of the following NordArt.

Public Choice Award:
The visitors of the NordArt can vote for their favourite artist. The Public Choice Award will be awarded during ‚The Long Night of the Lights‘ in September. The 1st Award is worth 1000 Euros. The three winners are invited to participate again in next years NordArt.

Each year the exhibition is preceded by the highly respected international NordArt Symposium, bringing together different generations of artists to share experiences and make art – all reflecting the ethos of NordArt itself. Approximately 10 artists are invited to attend the symposium and create large works for the NordArt. If you wish to attend the symposium, please mark the “Symposium” box in the application form. For this application we require a project description with details on the materials and dimensions, estimated time required, photos with examples of works. The participants at the symposium enjoy free materials, a workplace and accommodation at the exhibition site itself. The work created remains the property of the artist and will be exhibited at NordArt for at least 2 years – with the exception of works, which are sold.