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Opportunities > Germany | PAZZ Performing Arts Festival | artistic proposals invited


18 Feb 2012

Germany | PAZZ Performing Arts Festival | artistic proposals invited


PAZZ Performing Arts Festival 2012 is seeking artistic projects for three freight containers. International call to performers, theatre makers and artists for biannual festival in Oldenburg, Germany in April 2012.

PAZZ Performing Arts Festival 2012 will take place from 20th to 29th April 2012 in Oldenburg, Germany. The closing date for applications is Saturday, 18th February 2012.

PAZZ 2012 is looking for three unique and novel interventions, actions and installations, one for each container: a provocation, investigation or offer linked to the festival theme TRANZZFER (transfer, transmission and relaying of information).

  • PERFORM:  A performative project with a crossover to other artistic areas. Violations in non-artistic areas (such as sport, sociology, politics and botany) are welcomed both in form and content.

  • MEET:  This project is part of the artists’ colony consisting of numerous artistic projects from all over the world and will be broadcast simultaneously in Oldenburg. The project makes inroads into the audience and society, consciously aiming to win over new spectators to integrate them into the performance and allow them to participate.

  • TRANZZFER:  A week in a state of emergency as part of the artists’ colony. This will be a utopia for the entire city, for the audience, art and society.

PAZZ is an international Performing Arts Festival that takes place every two years at the Oldenburgisches Staatstheater in and around the Exerzierhalle. On the festival grounds, the Container City will function as a centre for information and accommodation for audience members as well as an artists’ colony. The different containers will be assigned different purposes: alongside practical uses such as kiosks, internet and info points, it will be a social and communicative meeting point for discussion and workshops as well as a performance space.

This call for proposals is directed at performers, theatre-makers and artists from all walks of life and from experts from all other areas, Oldenburg residents and the rest of the world, individuals and groups. The projects will be chosen by a professional jury and presented as a part of PAZZ.

For every project chosen, there will a production budget available of up to 2,500€ in addition to travelling costs, and board and lodging during the period of the PAZZ festival 2012.

The projects will be carried out in a ISO standard freight container (6,05m x 2,43m x 2,59m). Despite the standardization, the measurements of the containers may differ slightly.