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Opportunities > Germany | Stückemarkt call for works by theatre makers


17 Nov 2019

Germany | Stückemarkt call for works by theatre makers

The Stückemarkt in Germany has a call open to theatre makers around the world at the start of their career to submit plays and theatre projects. The Stückemarkt’s jury of renowned international artists will select a total of five works from among the submissions.

The Stückemarkt presents new authors from all over the world, who express themselves in a wide variety of theatre formats – from dramatic texts to performance project. 

One of the invited artists or groups will be awarded a commission of work, funded by the Federal Agency for Civic Education (Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung/bpb). The commission entails 10,000 Euro for the realisation of a new production at a partner theatre in Germany. The partner theatre for the implementation of the 2020 commission of work is Schauspiel Dortmund under its artistic director Julia Wissert, who will take over the theatre from the 2020/21 season.

Conditions for Participation

- theatre makers from all over the the world can apply; they should be at the beginning of their career

- every theatre maker and every collective can only submit one work

- the submitted work may not be older than 1.5 years at the time of the application

- theatres, publishing houses and universities can also submit plays and projects in order to take part in the entire Stückemarkt-programme

- applicants should have good to very good English language skills, since the events will partly be conducted in English

Under the heading “Against Separation”, Stückemarkt is looking for works from all parts of the world that explore the concept of solidarity from a perspective of art and aesthetics. What could our drafts for an open, equitable coexistence look like? How can they be expanded into the future? What exactly is an act of solidarity? What would a society where solidarity no longer exists look like? What happens when individuals no longer believe in the big picture, when the private has replaced the public sphere? And: Who owes what to whom exactly?

Various forms of authorship lead to a theatre piece, therefore submissions can include plays and projects – e.g. site-specific projects, theatrical interventions, narrative spaces – as well as performances that are based on documentary material and located on the interface of different artistic disciplines. The organisers are particularly interested in young authors and artists who explore new narrations and perspectives, creating innovative, world-building languages.

Deadline: 17 November 2019

Download open call details

Image: “Estado Vegetal”, Stückemarkt 2019 © Eike Walkenhorst