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Opportunities > Global Change Award 2018


31 Oct 2017

Global Change Award 2018


The Global Change Award is looking for early stage ideas presenting new circular approaches intended to reinvent the fashion industry. (Almost) anyone can apply for the Global Change Award.

Five winners, selected by our expert panel, will share a €1 million grant and receive access to an innovation accelerator provided by H&M Foundation, Accenture and KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm.

Reinventing the fashion industry means changing the way garments are currently designed and produced, shipped, bought, used and recycled by adding disruptive technology, processes, or new business models.

Circularity is not just about recycling. To encourage ideas from a broad circular scope, the Global Change Award 2018 features three categories open for applications. The five winners will be chosen regardless of category – there is no set quota between the categories.
Digitalization | Apply digital technologies such as connectivity, robotics, artificial intelligence, data, internet of things etc. across the value chain including consumers and garments to make fashion circular.

Climate positive | Create clothes, services and manufacturing processes that are not only neutral but actually good for the environment, helping to restore and regenerate the environment when being used.

Waste | Recover the resource and value lost in material, energy and information waste, turning it into materials, products or services. Or simply eliminate waste in the first place.

Global Change Award 2018 is open for applications until October 31, 2017

Global Change Award is an innovation challenge initiated by H&M Foundation, aiming to make fashion circular.