Global Cultural Relations Programme 2021

Applications are open for the 2021 edition of the Global Cultural Relations Programme, the flagship training programme of the EU-funded Cultural Relations Platform. It will take place online and aims to connect cultural professionals from all over the globe.
The Global Cultural Relations Programme 2021 will take place online and is open to 25-39 year-old cultural and creative practitioners, with an interest and experience in international collaboration.
We're looking for changemakers and innovators in the cultural and creative sectors globally with experience in international collaboration or international cultural relations.
Apply for the chance to:
- Build your skills in international cultural relations through a carefully designed, interactive training programme
- Network and collaborate with professionals from around the world, facing similar challenges and opportunities
- Develop a collaborative, international cultural project
Since its launch in 2016, the Global Cultural Relations Programme has built a community of 120 professionals from six continents and diverse cultural and creative sectors.
How to take part
Fill in the application form using the link below by midnight Central European Time, 4 October 2021. You will need to provide information on your professional experience, explain your motivations for applying and how you meet the criteria.
- 15 – 18 November: knowledge sharing and peer-to-peer learning (4 x 3 hour sessions)
- 19 – 28 November: develop an international cultural project with other participants and mentors
- 29 – 30 November: project presentations and closing (2 x 3 hour sessions)
What we’re looking for
- 60 changemakers, professionals and entrepreneurs in the cultural and creative sectors
- You should be aged 25-39, with at least three years’ experience in international collaboration or international cultural relations, and an interest in further developing your skills
- You could work for a public, private or civil society organisation, or be a freelancer
- You will need to be able to commit to the programme throughout its duration from 15 to 30 November
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