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Opportunities > Go Short | Submit your short film


21 Dec 2013

Go Short | Submit your short film

None goshortThe sixth edition of the Go Short - International Short Film Festival Nijmegen will take place from 9th to 13th April, 2014. The festival is accepting film submissions for the upcoming festival edition. For the competition programs Go Short accepts all short film genres: animation, documentary, fiction/live-action and experimental/art film.

European, Dutch & Youth Competition
The European Competition will consist of shorts that have been made in (geographical) Europe from all genres. The films are eligible for the Go Short Award for Best European Short in the four different categories.
The Dutch Competition is a selection of films made in the Netherlands, from which the best film will be awarded with the Go Short Award for Best Dutch Short. From these two competitions a selection of films will be made which will form the Youth Competition, and which are eligible for the Go Short Youth Award. All competition films are also in the running for the Audience Award.

Breaking Shorts: Student Competition
The Breaking Shorts: Student Competition will consist of short films made in European film schools from all genres. The best film will be awarded with an Encouragement Award. All films are also competing for the Audience Award.


All films completed in 2013: 21 November 2013

Films that will have their international or world premiere at Go Short: 21 December 2013

Please fill out the entry form and send in your short film!