Goethe Institut International Coproduction Fund 2024

The Goethe Institut is calling for applications of their International Coproduction Fund (IKF), which supports coproductions worldwide that grow out of collaborative and dialogue-based working processes in the fields of music, dance, theatre and performance art.
The Goethe Institut uses this fund to promote innovative productions and international cultural exchange as well as new approaches to intercultural collaboration and networking.
The IKF provides funding for international coproductions that are likely to be of high artistic calibre and to have some impact on the respective arts scene. Hybrid and interdisciplinary formats and the use of digital media may be important elements of these coproductions. Collective artistic development of the project is a prerequisite, which is the reason why the fund does not provide funding for projects that involve nothing but guest performances, tours or appearances at festivals.
There should be a budget showing own/third-party funding and a sound financial plan, balanced project partnership and artistic collaboration, and at least one performance outside of Germany and, if possible, in Germany, too. The project period should not exceed 24 months.
Professional performing artists, ensembles and initiatives in Germany and non-German-speaking countries in the fields of theatre, dance, music and performance art with insufficient means of their own to realise an international coproduction. In particular, the fund welcomes applications for funding from developing and transition countries.
Maximum funding sum is 25,000 EUR.
Deadline: ongoing until 1 September 2024
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