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Opportunities > Goethe-Institut | virtual partner residency programme for music exchange


31 Dec 2020

Goethe-Institut | virtual partner residency programme for music exchange

The Goethe-Institut has an open call for virtual partner residency programme for solo artists and small ensembles from Germany and abroad. Funding for virtual partner residencies is now available to arrange for international musical collaboration projects.

Travel is severely restricted for the time being due to the corona pandemic. As a result, not only have nearly all live performances been cancelled, but so have most physical residencies for artists and co-productions. In reaction to the resulting changes in working conditions in the music scene, the Goethe-Institut has created this virtual residency programme with a view to maintaining and reinforcing international exchange and collaboration.

Virtual partner residencies may serve to work on joint research, compositions, concept and project development, pre-productions or innovative online projects, for example. Other, including Interdisciplinary, music-centred formats may also be eligible for funding. The focus must be on artistic collaboration and extensive exchange on a partnership basis.
Applications may be submitted anytime from now to 31 December 2020 (though the deadline may be extended, depending on how the pandemic develops).

Projects of or involving artists from developing or transition countries (see DAC list) are particularly welcome.
Your application may be submitted by artists/ensembles in Germany or abroad, provided that at least one artist or ensemble based in Germany is involved in the project. If your application is granted, we will conclude corresponding agreements with both partners.  


  • Professional artists/ensembles with proven experience in their music scene
  • Sustainable partnership and project
  • Project duration of two to four weeks
  • Project implementation anytime from now to 31 December 2020 


  • A grant of €1,200 per ensemble/partner 
  • Several partners can be involved in the project, however, only a maximum of two grants can be paid.
  • No other expenses will be covered by the Goethe-Institut.