Helsinki International Curatorial Programme

The aim of the programme is to provide curators with an opportunity to carry out research on Finnish fine art, to build contacts with Finnish art practitioners and cultural organisations and to develop international curatorial projects involving Finnish participants.
The programme is open to curators worldwide with professional experience in organising visual arts projects.
Curatorial residencies include the cost of travel to and from Helsinki with a grant for living expenses, studio accommodation, residency services, administrative support and practical assistance for the participant's curatorial project all provided by HIAP. A small public event (workshop, lecture, open meeting, etc) will also be organized during the residency.
The length of the curatorial residency is usually one calendar month.
Applications are accepted throughout the year. The jury reviewing the applications meets at least twice a year. Applications should be sent by November 1st or May 1st to qualify for review at the following meeting.
Applications should include presentation materials of the applicant's previous projects, a curriculum vitae, a working plan for the residency period and a proposal for a public event to be organised during the residency.
Applications should be submitted by post. Please note that all electronic material should be compatible with Mac computers and readable by common office software. Application materials are not returned.
For further information, please contact Henna Harri at HIAP and visit the website:
Applications should be addressed to:
Curatorial Residencies
HIAP - Helsinki International Artist Programme
Cable Factory
Tallberginkatu 1 C 97, 4th floor
FIN-00180 Helsinki
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