Heritage & Sustainable Development | call for case studies

International call for case studies on heritage and sustainable development for the Sustainability Thematic Debate Team, a thematic grouping of OURWORLDHERITAGE, an open, strategic initiative of concerned citizens and organizations from across the globe who believe in the need to strengthen the protection of World Heritage as a common resource.
The call invites heritage management bodies, NGOs, local community representatives, universities and experts to submit case studies illustrating the relationship of heritage and sustainable development.
You can thus become our partners in creating policy recommendations to improve the Sustainability of World Heritage, on the occasion of the 50th year of the World Heritage Convention.
We will select and discuss, with an international group of eminent experts from academia and practice, 60 case studies representative of all world regions and typologies of World Heritage Sites (including sites on the Tentative List), which exemplify good practices, challenges and opportunities in the sustainable management of heritage sites.
10 case studies per region (Africa, Arab States, Asia and Pacific, Europe, Latin America and Caribbean, and North America) that represent the 3 proposed categories (cultural, natural, mixed sites, including cultural landscapes and sites in danger) will be selected, to demonstrate how sites are conserved and managed sustainably, how their conservation contributes to local socio-economic development, and how sustainable development practices improve the protection of the cultural and natural heritage.
The selection criteria are based on the principles of the UNESCO World Heritage and Sustainable Development Policy (2015)1 and enhanced with new ones considered important by the Sustainability Team:
Environmental Sustainability (biological and cultural diversity; ecosystem services; resilience to natural hazards and climate change; management of impacts of tourism and urban growth on the environment; heritage networks or archipelagos; integrality of ecosystems and territorial transitions)
Inclusive Social Development (inclusion, equity and enculturation; quality of life and well-being; social capital; human rights, participation, education; indigenous peoples and local communities; gender equality; intangible heritage practices)
Inclusive Economic Development (securing jobs, income and livelihoods; economic investment; quality tourism; funding and financing; capacity building, innovation and local entrepreneurship; local/ endogenous economic development; equitable income distribution)
Governance, Peace and Security (conflict prevention; protection of heritage during conflicts; conflict resolution; post-conflict recovery; rule of law; transparency and accountability; cooperation/ collaboration; innovation and adaptability)
DEADLINE: prospective case studies should submit an application form with outline info by 15 February 2021
Read more about the people involved in OURWORLDHERITAGE
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