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Opportunities > Hermès Foundation call for projects - New Settings #8


01 Jul 2017

Hermès Foundation call for projects - New Settings #8


The Hermès Foundation launches the 8th call for projects of the New Settings programme. This programme is devoted to the performing arts and is directed both to live performance artists (of all disciplines) and to visual artists who wish to create for the stage. Indeed, collaborations between performing artists and visual artists are encouraged.

It concerns hybrid performances with a predominant visual arts dimension, scheduled to be premiered between January and December 2018.

The support the Fondation d’entreprise Hermès brings to these new productions is two-fold. On the one hand, the artists selected will receive financial aid for the production phase in order to help them complete their project. On the other, the Fondation d’entreprise Hermès will offer them performance dates in the autumn of 2018 in the Paris region, in partnership with cultural institutions.

Finally, the Hermès Foundation has built a partnership with the French Institute / Alliance française in New York in order to present a selection of performances which have received the New Settings label, in the framework of the Crossing The Line festival.

Applicants are invited to submit their project to the Hermès Foundation before July 1st 2017.

More information and application on website:

© photo Denis Darzacq / Agence VU’

Fondation d'Entreprise Hermès - Programme "New Settings"