ASEF Culture360 | Connecting Asia and Europe through arts and culture

Opportunities > Horizons | Arts Nature en Sancy | open call


12 Nov 2013

Horizons | Arts Nature en Sancy | open call



Horizons | Arts-Nature in Sancy is an open call artistic event in the rural Sancy region at the heart of the Massif Central in France. Ephemeral works are made for the 3-month event in natural settings. Open international call for proposals.

Please read all the information and regulations carefully (available in English and French).

The event is scheduled for 14 June - 14 September 2014.

10 works (by individual artists or artistic teams) will be selected. A grant totalling 8,000 Euros will be given to each artist/team for fees, production, installation, travel, accommodation and other designated services.

Deadline for submissions: 12 November 2013


  • Les Pierres Bleues_La cheire des Puys de la Vache et de Lassolas_Stéphanie CAILLEAU

  • Les Encorbellements_Sommet des grottes de Jonas (St Pierre Colamine)_Mattthieu PILAUD

  • Diatomées mégascopiques_Tourbière de la Barthe (Picherande)_Prisca COSNIER