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Opportunities > HUMAN+ exhibition proposals | open call


31 Jan 2011

HUMAN+ exhibition proposals | open call

None An open call for proposals for a major flagship exhibition HUMAN+: The Future of Our Species to be held in the Science Gallery, Dublin.

Science Gallery in collaboration with The Long Room Hub and the School Of Medicine at Trinity College Dublin, is currently developing a major new flagship exhibition entitled HUMAN+: The Future Of Our Species, with generous support from Wellcome Trust London, to run in Science Gallery from the 15:04:11 – 24:06:11,

We are seeking your proposals for thought-provoking art/science installations, experiments, events, workshops and performances for inclusion in the HUMAN+ exhibition.

HUMAN+ is an interactive exhibition experience looking into the future of the human race. Will enhancement of humans become the norm? What types of enhancements will we choose? What is our genetic future?  Will computer technologies continue to change the way we socialise?

HUMAN+ will explore the implications of enhancement on how we define ourselves. Could smart pills, personalised medicine, cognitive enhancement, or genetic manipulation change us into something other than human?  Will converging technologies in robotics, biotechnology, nanotechnology, information technology and aesthetics create a new race?  We invite proposals that will create a dialogue around the scientific, artistic, social and philosophical implications of using science and technology to enhance human capabilities.

A key part of the exhibition experience will be a HUMAN+ ‘Lab-in-the-Gallery’ experience - a pioneering research-led gallery experience where real research experiments involving large-scale visitor participation are conducted through open-ended experimentation. We are seeking proposals for research experiments to be carried out in Science Gallery, in addition to engaging installations and artworks.

We will also be creating a rich programme of accompanying events and workshops, including discussions, performances, high-profile talks, plus web-focused interactions, games and any other truly collaborative ‘human-centric’ experiences.

We are seeking proposals for –

  • Art projects

  • Interactive installations

  • Lab experiments

  • Events

  • Talks

  • Performances

  • Workshops

  • Web-based projects

  • Smart phone apps

Submitted projects will be evaluated on a number of criteria including –

  • Strong relevance to the theme

  • Science/technology interest

  • Artistic interest

  • Potential to engage a 15-25 age range

  • Overall costs

  • Ability to deliver the project

A maximum of €7,000 support funding will be available to support realization, transport and installation of each project. Additional funding may be considered for proposals of exceptional standards. We particularly welcome projects thathave secured matching funding from other sources. Science Gallery is happy to provide selected projects with letters of support if required.

Submissions must be received no later than Monday 31 January 2011 at 5pm to be considered for inclusion. Science Gallery will contact those selected for inclusion within two weeks of the deadline.

To submit your proposal and find more information please use the form located at:


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