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Opportunities > i-Portunus - launch of European cultural mobility grants pilot programme


15 May 2019

i-Portunus - launch of European cultural mobility grants pilot programme

logo for i-Portunus mobility programme

i-Portunus is a pilot project that will test different approaches to supporting short-term mobility of artists and culture professionals between European countries. The first call for applications for cultural mobility grants is open - eligible applicants are residing in a Creative Europe country*.

Between April and September 2019, i-Portunus will issue three Calls for Applications, providing support for 350-500 short-term (15-85 days), international mobilities of artists active in the fields of the performing or visual arts and residing in a Creative Europe country. These mobilities must have a specific and well-defined objective, such as to develop an international collaboration, to engage in a production-oriented residency or in professional development, to present work in another country or to develop projects with local communities in the destination country.

Current Call

Call for Applications: 17 April 2019
Submission deadline: 15 May 2019
Notification of Results: 7 June 2019
Earliest departure date: 15 June 2019
Latest return date: 31 December 2019

* Creative Europe countries: All EU Member States and also Albania, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Iceland, Kosovo *, Norway, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Tunisia and Ukraine

i-Portunus is implemented on behalf of the European Commission by Goethe-Institut, in consortium with the Institut français, Izolyatsiaand Nida Art Colony of Vilnius Academy of Arts.