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Opportunities > IDFA Bertha Fund - documentary film project grants


01 Feb 2018

IDFA Bertha Fund - documentary film project grants


The IDFA Bertha Fund is designed to stimulate and empower the creative documentary sector in Africa, Asia, Latin America, Middle East and parts of Eastern Europe by supporting innovative documentary projects by talented filmmakers from these regions. The Fund provides development, production and distribution grants through two funding schemes. Filmmakers from and living in the mentioned regions can apply for IBF Classic. European co-producers of documentaries from these regions can apply for IBF Europe.

In addition to financing, the Fund offers filmmakers tailor made consultancies and training programs to support them in their creative and production process. Additionally, filmmakers are invited to participate in the different industry events that IDFA has to offer and broaden their international network and knowledge of the documentary industry.

All submitted projects undergo a stringent selection process. Only submissions that adhere to the IDFA Bertha Fund entry regulations per category can be considered, so please read these regulations carefully before submitting your documentary project. 

Further information on the materials that should be provided during the entry process can be found in our Checklist for IBF Classic entry or Checklist for IBF Europe entry.

Submission Deadlines

IBF Classic: February 1, 2018
IBF Europe Co-production: May 1, 2018