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Opportunities > III International Mini Print Cantabria exhibition 2020 call


15 Jul 2020

III International Mini Print Cantabria exhibition 2020 call

The 3rd edition of the International Mini Print Cantabria has a call for entries of mini prints on the theme The Sea and the Lighthouses, with the selected artists' works exhibited at the Faro Cabo Mayor Art Center, Santander, Spain August - December 2020.

SM Pro Art Circle and the Port Authority of Santander call to the III Mini Print International Cantabria, The Sea and the Lighthouses.
About artworks:
The Award is open to all printmaking disciplines, admitting digital printed artwork and monotype as well.
The general theme is The Sea and the Lighthouses, but this does not imply that the artwork must be figurative. All kinds of aesthetic languages are admitted.
The image and the paper must not exceed 20 x 20 cm. (7,8” x 7,8”)
There is no minimum image or paper size.
Artwork/s must be without mat, frame or glass.
You can submit up to 3 artworks 
The following prizes will be awarded:

1st Prize:  € 4000.-

2nd Prize: € 1500.-

3rd Prize:  € 500.-

Mar Cantábrico Special Award: € 500.- This prize will be awarded to a work by an artist from Cantabria. The artist born and / or current resident in the territory of Cantabria will be recognized as such.

The awarded artworks will become part of the Heritage of the Faro Cabo Mayor Art Center.

DEADLINE FOR ENTRIES:  Online registration and sending the pieces by certified mail: by July 15, 2020 The postage stamp must prove that they were sent before July 15, 2020

Exhibition: From August 14 to December 31, 2020

NOTE: a participation fee is payable