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Opportunities > Indonesia Media Arts Festival OK.VIDEO call for Virtual Residency


20 Jun 2017

Indonesia Media Arts Festival OK.VIDEO call for Virtual Residency


The 8th Indonesia Media Arts Festival – OK.VIDEO 2017 invites applications from individuals or collectives of artists for its Open Lab – Virtual Residency. It is designed as a month long exploration of practical research possibilities through internet as a medium with a focus on issues around food (Pangan).

Food issue serves as a gateway for OK. Video 2017 to bring upon artistic exploration opportunities through media art perspective and the utilization of technological development. Apart from efforts to unearth past narratives, such as the New Order’s food strategies, OK. Video tries to envision various narrations and alternative models of the present day.

The Open Lab – Virtual Residency runs in three phases (conversation, production, presentation) between July 1 and August 30, 2017. The Virtual Resident (an individual or a collective) will initiate, continue, and/or restage past, ongoing, and/or new artistic, curatorial, and intermedia projects within the thematic arc of the festival, within the curatorial impetus of the Virtual Residency, and without physical contact to Jakarta during the period of residency.

Accepted virtual residents will receive a 200 USD honorarium for their engagement, and selected projects to be exhibited will receive budget for presentation in Jakarta.

Requirements for Application

  • An updated curriculum vitae (max. 3 pages)

  • A letter of motivation (max. 300 words)

  • A project proposal that outlines how the Open Lab – Virtual Residency and the theme of OK. Video intersect and complicate each other. Proposals must consider the questions presented in the introductory texts to the festival and the residency (max. 800 words)

  • An overview of activities for the residency (Residency periods: July 1 - August 30, 2017).

All documents for the application must be sent in one pdf or Word file to

The deadline for submission is June 20, 2017.

Open Lab – Virtual Residency is a collaboration with Forum Lenteng and, and in partnership with the Indonesian Visual Art Archive.

For further info and introduction about Open Lab – Virtual Residency, download the file in the following link: OK Video Open Lab Virtual Residency_Open Call or check OK Video on Facebook