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Opportunities > Instants Video Festival 2014 | open call


13 Jun 2014

Instants Video Festival 2014 | open call

None instants_video_2014

Les Instants Video festival in Marseille is dedicated to media arts (video and digital). Open call for international entries for 2014 festival. Every year, an international selection of video arts, one channel, installations, performances, experimental documentaries, artists’ CD-ROM… is presented and the festival also provides space and time for different forms of encounters.

The title for the 2014 Instants Video festival (not definitive) is For a free circulation of bodies and desires.

1) More and more walls are built between those who have (nearly) everything and those who have (nearly) nothing.

2) Misogyny and homophobia (even hidden behind with a good conscience) are walls erected between bodies and desires…

See website for entry form.

The festival takes place in and around Marseille, S. France in November 2014.

Deadline for entries: 13 June 2014

Be sure we will watch your work with attention, being aware that electronic poetry is fragile, delicate : a quivering… The festival is all together nomadic and sedentary. It takes place in Marseille and the Region, and also in other countries. We will inform the artists about the place and date of screening of their work.

For further information: check the Instants Video 2013 festival archives