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Opportunities > International Arts Joint Fund The Netherlands-South Korea (NL based applicants)


09 Jul 2021

International Arts Joint Fund The Netherlands-South Korea (NL based applicants)

Open call for Netherlands-based artists, makers or cultural institutions to apply for grants under the special collaborative programme - International Arts Joint Fund The Netherlands-South Korea. Deadline: 9 July.

On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the diplomatic relations between The Netherlands and South Korea, DutchCulture and Arts Council Korea set up a 2-year partnership (2021-2022) to encourage greater cooperation between Korean and Dutch art and cultural sectors.

Within the thematic framework of Inclusivity and/or Innovation, the two partner organisations have joined forces, aiming to foster Dutch-Korean collaborative projects, research, and exchange activities together in a variety of art forms, including visual arts, performing arts (music, dance, theatre and traditional arts), literature, as well as interdisciplinary practices and design disciplines.

With great support from the Dutch Embassy in Seoul, DutchCulture has designed an International Arts Joint Fund Programme with Arts Council Korea. Through open calls from both sides, this programme is established to encourage shared ideas and concepts between Dutch and Korean cultural and creative sectors to develop, matchmake and ultimately evolve into presentations for the public in both countries, and beyond.

This is the open call for Netherlands-based artists, makers or cultural institutions to join this special collaborative programme. For more information on the international exchange programme go to Arts Council Korea.

Deadline: 9 July 2021

What are we looking for?

DutchCulture looks for project proposals that fulfil the following requirements.

  • A potential project is eligible for funding if the proposal contributes to strengthening the cultural profile of the Netherlands in South Korea, and the cooperation between the two countries.
  • In the prospect of post-COVID-19, the project deals with the general thematic keywords of Inclusivity and/or Innovation in or cross-over visual arts, performing arts, literature, or creative industry (in particular urban planning/architecture, design and fashion). DutchCulture specifically welcomes interdisciplinary approach, format and concepts for cultural exchange.
  • The project is in the phase of research and development, which will be completed no later than June 2022.
  • The project partners are professional organisations or legal entities. Amateur artists or students are not eligible.
  • The project proposal is initiated by one (or more) Netherlands-based partner(s) with the intention to work with one (or more) South Korean partner(s), each with a clear role within the project. (*If you are a Netherlands-based artist/maker with South Korean nationality and are the main applicant of your project, please do get in contact with us before submitting the application. You will probably be advised to apply from Arts Council Korea instead.)
  • The project is targeted the public and would take place in South Korea or in both countries, unless it concerns a virtual collaboration.

What do we offer?

  • A grant from 2.500 euro up to 6.000 euro for the purpose of research and development of your project, including one travel (flight and accommodation) from the NL to South Korea (when possible again and quarantine upon arrival is no longer required). Subsidies are only granted insofar as the resources are sufficient. Only a portion of the applications will be honoured. The amount requested is not always fully awarded.
  • Throughout the research and development phase of the project, you will receive tailor-made advice and guidance regularly from DutchCulture, in consultation with the Dutch Embassy in Seoul and Arts Council Korea.
  • After the research and development phase, a number of projects will have the possibility to be further supported by the Netherlands-Korea International Arts Joint Fund Program to actualise and present their results in South Korea and/or The Netherlands starting in (the 2nd half of) 2022. The decision will be made based on the feasibility of each selected project (partnership with South Korean parties, the practicalities and budget plan, etc.) by DutchCulture, in consultation with the Dutch Embassy in Seoul and Arts Council Korea. Other co-funding resources are always welcome. 
How to apply?

The subsidy is only provided to the Netherlands-based artists/makers or institutions. (Korean artists/makers or institutions will be eligible to apply for an open call that will be published later by Arts Council Korea under the framework of the Netherlands-Korea International Arts Joint Fund Program.)