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Opportunities > International Award UCLG - Mexico City - Culture 21 - call for entries for 4th edition


18 Mar 2020

International Award UCLG - Mexico City - Culture 21 - call for entries for 4th edition

Entries are open for the 4th edition of the International Award UCLG - Mexico City - Culture 21. The Award will recognise good practices from cities and local and regional governments in the field of culture and sustainable development, as well as individuals who have made substantial contributions to the recognition of how cultural aspects are important for sustainable development.

Over the previous three editions, the Award has received over 230 applications from cities and local and regional governments in total, coming from around the world. Many of them have been recognised as winners, special mentions and good practices, contributing to fostering knowledge and practice on culture and sustainable development. The International Award is an initiative of the City of Mexico and the Global Organisation of United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG). The Award is worth EUR 50,000 in the 'City / Local or Regional Government' category, and EUR 25,000 in the 'Individual' category.

City / Local or Regional Government

This category recognises a city, local or regional government the cultural policy of which has contributed significantly to linking the values of culture (heritage, diversity, creativity and transmission of knowledge) with democratic governance, citizen participation and sustainable development.
The Award is given to the local or regional government candidate that wins a competitive call process, open to direct or indirect UCLG members. Indirect UCLG members include those local and regional governments that are members of an association or federation of local or regional governments that is in turn a member of UCLG.

The Award recognises an original policy, programme or project that explicitly includes the principles of the Agenda 21 for culture.
The action awarded should count on, at least, two years of implementation and have documented proof of the impact and the successes achieved.

A city, local or regional government is only able to present one application.


This category recognises an internationally renowned individual who has made a fundamental contribution to the relationship between culture and sustainable development. This Award is designated by the Jury, without an open competition process.

The organisers invite all the members of UCLG (direct or indirect), as well as other interested individuals and organisations, to nominate relevant personalities only through the email This nomination must be justified, by describing that individual’s contribution to the achievement of the objectives of the Agenda 21 for culture.

Rules and relevant application forms for the two categories are available at

Participation is free of charge and the deadline for submissions is 18 March 2020.