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Opportunities > International Cultural Economics conference Japan | call for papers


15 Jan 2012

International Cultural Economics conference Japan | call for papers

None A call for papers is announced for the International Conference on Cultural Economics, to be held in Kyoto, Japan in JUNE 2012. A Young Researchers Workshop is also announced.

17th International Conference on Cultural Economics by the Association for Cultural Economics International

Kyoto, Japan, June 21-24, 2012

Call for Papers

The Association for Cultural Economics International (ACEI) invites you to attend its 17th international conference on cultural economics at Doshisha University, Kyoto, from Thursday June 21st to Sunday 24th, 2012.

We welcome submission of papers (in English) on any aspect of cultural economics. Economists and professionals working in related fields are invited to submit theoretical and applied papers for the contributed sessions.

The conference will have theme-related special sessions and other regular ones. The following subject areas are intended to be illustrative of possible topics that might be considered, but other approaches are welcome:

  • Art Markets and Cultural Consumption

  • Creative Clusters and Urban Development

  • Cultural Entrepreneurship and Business

  • Cultural Heritage and Cultural Tourism

  • Cultural Policy and Arts Institutions

  • Culture, Globalization and Language

  • Economic of Copyright and the Cultural Industries

  • Economics of Marketing and Promoting Culture

  • Entertainment and Media Industries

  • Internet Economics and Culture

All scholars, business practitioners, consultants and policy-maker with an interest on the economics of culture and the creative industries are encouraged to attend the conference. Proposals, in the form of a provisional title and an abstract (PDF format) of 100-150 words, along with name, e-mail address, affiliation and position, should be submitted before January 15th to:
Professor Francoise BENHAMOU, Program Chair, President Elect of the ACEI


Call for Participants - workshop for young researchers

A workshop for young researchers will take place on the morning of June 21st 2012 just ahead of the commencement of 17th bi-annual conference of the Association for Cultural Economics International (ACEI) to be hosted at Doshisha University in Kyoto, Japan (see for further details about the organization and the conference). The workshop provides an opportunity for conference delegates who are graduate students (at masters and PhD level) to discuss their dissertations, publication plans and job market issues amongst themselves and with other more experienced scholars who share an interest in questions surrounding economic aspects of culture.

Interested graduate students should please send their cvs and a 1-page abstract of their dissertation project (12 point font), indicating at which stage they are at (pre or post-proposal defence), their institutional affiliation and title of their graduate program, as well as what type of job they envisage after graduation (academic, government, consulting, and if academic in which discipline), to by January 15th, 2012. Applicants will be informed of whether they have been allocated a place at the workshop by March 1st 2012.

ACEI funding support is available to assist attendance for a small number of workshop participants. Applicants who require such support should please submit a short cover letter with their applications, explaining why such assistance is needed and specifying their expected travel and accommodation costs in Kyoto. Where support is granted, this will take the form of reimbursement against receipts of up to $500 for travel and accommodation costs.

This opportunity came via LabforCulture (Thanks!)