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Opportunities > The International Radio Playwriting Competition 2020


31 Jan 2020

The International Radio Playwriting Competition 2020

The International Radio Playwriting Competition 2020 - from the BBC World Service and British Council in partnership with Commonwealth Writers - is an opportunity for writers from outside the UK to tell their stories.

The competition runs until midnight GMT 31 January 2020 and is open to new and established writers, provided they live outside the UK and are aged over 18 on 31 January 2020.

There are two categories for entry - one for entrants who speak English as a first language and the other for entrants with English as a second language - and the prize includes a trip to London to see the winning play being recorded for broadcast.

In order to enter you need to send:
• A script for a 53 minute radio play with up to six central characters
• A synopsis which outlines your play in no longer than 400 words

The prize for each of the two winners (which can come from either the English as a 1st language category or the English as a 2nd language category) will consist of £2500 sterling and a trip to London (standard airfare and accommodation for one person) to see the winning play being recorded for broadcast on the BBC World Service and attend a prize-giving event. 

Find all the competition rules and how you can enter here.