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Opportunities > International Sound-Art competition


30 Oct 2010

International Sound-Art competition

None Centro Parraga, Radio 3 and Fluido Rosa in Spain announce a Broadcasting Art international contest for Sound Art projects with prizes of over 13,000€.

Three prizes of 4,500€ each oriented to the sound art in its most advanced interpretation, with reference to all those aesthetic aspects, narrative and technicals generated from new technologies, both analogue and digital.

An excellent platform for dissemination

Open to all adult artists who wish to  participate with unpublished projects which have been produced after January 1, 2010.

Three Sound-Art Projects will be awarded a prize by BROADCASTING ART. The works will have to include reference to all the aesthetic, narrative and technical aspects involving the use of the new technologies, both digital and analogical, from a contemporary point of view and with an avant-garde approach.

There will be no thematic requirements for the artists or any other requirements regarding any specific narrative structure. We encourage all participants to be bold in their experimentation and research and to take risks and surprise us with their work.

Each participant will be allowed to present up to two different works which shouldn't be longer than ten minutes each.

See website for FULL guidelines in English and in Spanish.