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Opportunities > Italy | 6th SMACH Biennale of the Dolomites


26 Mar 2023

Italy | 6th SMACH Biennale of the Dolomites

The 6th edition of the SMACH Biennale is looking for project proposals for artistic, sculptural and installation interventions. The 10 winning projects will be realised in various Alpine locations in Val Badia, Italy, in the unique setting of the UNESCO Dolomites, from July to September 2023. 

SMACH Biennale is a disseminated art exhibition that, every two years since 2012, has made a series of works conceived and installed in relation to some of the most beautiful places in Val Badia and the UNESCO Dolomites freely accessible to the public. Through contemporary art, SMACH wants to trigger visitors’ interest in contemporary forms of visual expression and in the places in which the works are set. 

The theme of SMACH 2023 is “sprouting”, a verb indicating an action already in progress on a visible level or on invisible, microscopic, metaphorical levels. The term has a wide range of applications from botany to molecular biology to the development of the neural system. 

Who can participate?

Individuals, collectives, informal groups of any provenance, age, background. Each participant may submit a maximum of 2 projects. However, in the event that they win, only one can be selected. 

The prize

The 10 selected artistic interventions will each be awarded a prize of 2,000 EUR per artist or collective. The fee includes the coverage of costs, such as: conception, production, materials, transport (if not produced on site), installation or positioning, possible dismantling (if the work will not be acquired or donated). 

Application guidelines

Deadline: 26 March 2023

Image: Gustav Willeit