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Opportunities > Italy | Inteatro Festival Academy residency opportunity


19 Mar 2012

Italy | Inteatro Festival Academy residency opportunity

None IFA - InteatroFestival Academy in Polverigi, Italy is a program of research and professional training giving the opportunity to young performers to work with established artists of the international theatre and dance scene to develop their practice.

In its seventh edition, IFA proposes a period of creative residency from April the 2nd to June the 23rd, with three guest artists - Geraldine Pilgrim, Gustavo Frigerio, Claudia Dias - who will join the program as mentors, to help the participants in developing their own projects.

A selection of these projects will be presented at the showcase IFA Festival (Polverigi, June 21st > 23rd), to which will be invited professionals, critics, festival directors, to provide participants with maximum exposure and opportunities for future work. Moreover, among the proposals submitted, three can be inserted in the festival Danza al Museo (October > December 2012, in the museums of Marche region).


The program has 15 vacancies for young artists/performers aged between 18 and 35 years who want to gain experience in research and training for the development of their practice. The selection is primarily addressed to dancers, choreographers, performers with experience in dance / physical theatre / circus.

Selection Rules

The applicants will be selected on the basis of the proposed project. Application can be submitted in Italian, English or French. It is possible to add video materials, texts, and photos of previous works that may be useful in understanding the candidate’s training and creative experience. It is recommended to attach videos and photos of previous work, useful in understanding the candidate’s training and creative experience. You should also attach technical specifications and feasibility studies.

The proposed project must have a minimum duration of 20 minutes and must be original: projects that have been presented to other contests will not be taken into consideration.

Participation Terms

The IFA program provides lodging, workspace, technical assistance and support. In the guest house of Villa Nappi there is kitchen facilities, common space and free wifi area. To participate in the program we require a fee of 250€ to cover the costs of the attendance, lodging, work and study spaces. Participants are responsible for their travel, living costs and personal insurance.

Terms of Submission

Applications must arrive at Inteatro by March 19th 2012
(, Inteatro, Villa Nappi - Via Marconi 77, 60020 Polverigi (An) - Italy)
Date of postmark is NOT valid.

Applications must include: curriculum vitae with personal details; research project proposal (max 2 A4); video and photo materials; letter of application. The received applications will not be returned.