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Opportunities > Jakarta | Smart City | International Workshop | call for proposals


30 Dec 2012

Jakarta | Smart City | International Workshop | call for proposals

None The Rujak Center for Urban Studies and the Goethe Institut in Southeast Asia are organising an international workshop in Jakarta called Smart City= Smart Citizen + Smart Process, and currently looking for submissions. Results of the workshop will be presented at the Smart City exhibition and symposium in Berlin in June 2013.

The workshop invites young participants participants from age of 21-28. This workshop is suitable for 4th year students and young graduates from all subjects. This workshop does not only focus on built environment and spatially based solutions, but it will embrace urban tactics, innovative solutions, inter-disciplinary approaches and resilient tips. Your idea can be derived from diverse subjects, from architecture to urban planning, from product design to campaign design, from social approach to economic or environmental approach. The initiative is also interested in projects that take human behavior into both sustainability and social cohesion in the Jakarta’s urban context.

Your ideas should address one OR combinations of these challenges:

  1. Resilient and Disaster

  2. Habitat

  3. Mobility

  4. Water-related issue


  1. Young people from age 21 to 28

  2. Have a passion about Jakarta

  3. Suitable for students/young professional who work on architecture, urban planning, design & communication, product design, economic studies, social studies, sociology, anthropology, arts, medical studies, public health, law, urban management,  well basically, etc.

  4. This is an individual proposal


Prospective participants have to submit their Smart City ideas proposals in English. There are 3 proposal formats that you can choose:

  1. 300 words of abstract; OR

  2. Image Collage in A3 PDF format; OR

  3. 2-minute video

Your proposal should address one OR combination of these challenges: Resilient and Disaster, Mobility, Habitat and Water-related issues.

Please submit your proposal in English and 1 page of your CV to If you have any question please contact: or phone 021 31906809.

Submission deadline: 30 December 2012.

Your proposals will be part of SMART CITY: The Next Generation exhibition will take place in Berlin from May to July 2013.

About Smart City Workshop

  1. “Smart City=Smart Citizen+Smart Process”Workshop will be conducted from 3-13 January 2013

  2. There will be site visits to selected places and communities

  3. Each participants have to commit to finish their work by 1 February 2013 in order to be exhibit on June 2013 in SMART CITY: The Next Generation Exhibition in Berlin.

  4. This workshop is free of charge

  5. This workshop and participants works will be under Creative Commons License.

  6. 2 participants will be selected and invited to the Design Workshop in Aedes Campus, 10-20 June 2012.