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Opportunities > Japan | AIAV Fellowship residencies 2022


20 Jan 2022

Japan | AIAV Fellowship residencies 2022

Akiyoshidai International Art Village's “AIAV Fellowship Program” in Japan is open to domestic and international artists working in various creative fields. Residencies will be offered in 2022.

The aim of the program is to support artists’ activities and to offer the local people in Yamaguchi pref. opportunities to appreciate arts and communicate with artists crossing the borders of art disciplines and nationalities. During the residency period, artists should actively communicate with local people in Yamaguchi and participate in the exchange programs, including workshops, lectures, school visits and exhibitions.

For details and downloading an application form, please visit the page on AIAV website.


Applicants should be applicable to one of the conditions below.
1. Artists who have funding from international/national foundation or organization
2. Artists who have previously selected or stayed at AIAV for the residency program
3. Artists who have a reference letter from international/national governmental, educational or cultural exchange foundations
4. Artists who have a reference letter from the Selection Committee of the Residence Program of Akiyoshidai International Art Village or the Steering Committee (Advisory Council).

The costs covered by AIAV
1. Fee for accommodation in AIAV (private room)
2. Fee for studio (We have various types of studios: the assignment is done by AIAV. The costs of studio for the exchange program covered by AIAV.)
3. Fee for usage of facilities and for materials for exchange programs

1. Artist should communicate in English or Japanese
2. Artist should be supportive in providing materials for publicity and archiving
3. Artist should participate in the exchange program for the local community (e.g. workshop, lecture and networking event).
4. Artist should live and work at AIAV during his/her project period.

Please note:

– In the examination, ideas for exchange program and the willingness to cooperate with local community collaborative projects by AIAV are emphasized.
Artist should be responsible for production expenses, travel, living, PCR Test and quarantine.

Deadline for applications: January 20, 2022