Japan Foundation Arts and Cultural Exchange grants 2023

The Japan Foundation’s Arts and Cultural Exchange grant programme is open for applications from Japanese and international individuals and organisations.
The grant programme introduces various aspects of Japanese arts and culture all over the world. It also promotes networking and human resources development in the arts and cultural fields by interactive collaboration and co-production and through dispatching and inviting specialists.
Support Programme for Translation and Publication
This programme is designed to provide partial financial support for overseas publishers intending to translate and/or publish works originally written in Japanese. The programme aims to foster better understanding of Japan by encouraging overseas publishers to translate and publish Japanese works.
The grant covers part of the translation cost and/or publishing costs (e.g. costs for paper, typesetting, platemaking, printing, and binding). The average assistance given in 2022 was 440,000 JPY.
Deadline: 18 November 2022
International Creations in Performing Arts
The Japan Foundation seeks organisations located in Japan that will jointly organise international creations in performing arts between Japanese and international artists. All works of performing arts are eligible. Up to 70% of costs will be covered, to a maximum of 10,000,000 JPY.
Deadline: 2 December 2022
Exhibitions Abroad Support Programme
This programme is designed to provide financial support for museums and art institutions overseas that organise exhibitions introducing Japanese art and culture to audiences. In addition, this programme is designed to support overseas international exhibitions such as biennials/triennials introducing Japanese artists and their works. Costs covered by the grant can include packing and shipping costs, catalogue production costs and travelling costs for invited artists, curators and specialists.
Deadline: 2 December 2022
Ishibashi Foundation/The Japan Foundation Fellowship for Research on Japanese Art
This programme aims to support the development of professionals specialising in the study of Japanese visual arts by providing an opportunity for curators and researchers from abroad to conduct research in Japan. The duration of the stay can be 21 to 59 days and the grant covers airfare costs and a stipend.
Deadline: 2 December 2022
Grant Programme for Dispatching Artists and Cultural Specialists
This programme is designed to provide financial support for artists based in Japan and Japanese cultural specialists who participate in cultural events overseas. Projects can be performing arts or lectures, workshops and demonstrations related to Japanese culture. Expenses covered by the grant include international travel expenses and freight. The maximum grant awarded in 2022 was approximately 3,570,000 JPY.
Deadline: 2 December 2022 (round 1) or 2 June 2023 (round 2)
Application guidelines for all grant programmes
Image: Kagura Performance Tour in Hungary and Poland, 2019
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