Japan Foundation Asia Center - cultural collaboration project grants

The Grant Program for Promotion of Cultural Collaboration is one of three programs of the Japan Foundation Asia Center and is designed to generate new cultures together within Asia. Grants are provided to successful collaborative projects conducted by organizations and professionals in Japan and ASEAN countries.
Applications are invited from organisations based in Japan and the 10 ASEAN countries of Southeast Asia.
Eligible Projects
Collaborative projects ―― the majority of which involve ASEAN countries and Japan participants ―― as well as projects that plan to disseminate their achievements are accepted. These projects must work on human resources development, network construction, strengthening of the bases of exchange, co-production and joint-research initiatives in the fields of arts and culture, sports, or intellectual exchange.
Grant Coverage
Maximum 10 million JPY
The grant can cover portions from a maximum of three categories from below.
1. Traveling expense (international and long-distance domestic travel) and accommodation
2. Venue and equipment use
3. Translation, interpretation and honoraria for lecturers
4. Preparation of materials, reports, PR materials, etc.
5. Carriage (baggage/ freight)
Duration: Projects that commence between October 1, 2018 and March 31, 2019.
Application Deadline: No later than June 1, 2018
Notification of Result: September 2018
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