ASEF Culture360 | Connecting Asia and Europe through arts and culture

Opportunities > Japan-France | Fondation Franco-Japonaise Sasakawa | project grants


28 Jan 2013

Japan-France | Fondation Franco-Japonaise Sasakawa | project grants


Project grants are available to individuals and organisations of French or Japanese nationality from the Fondation Franco-Japonaise Sasakawa. The Foundation's mission is to "develop cultural relations and friendship between France and Japan".

Examples of projects supported by the Foundation in previous years include theatre exchanges and performances, museum conferences, publications, heritage skills development, documentary film production, contemporary art exhibitions and gastronomy festival presentation.

All details of how to submit your project are found in French and in Japanese

Deadline: 28 January 2013

Image:  Yutaka Takei - Crédits Yuka Toyoshima from a performance project supported by the Foundation in 2011-12, Kamikaze by Cie Forest Beats