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Opportunities > Japan | Saison Foundation International Programs


03 Dec 2010

Japan | Saison Foundation International Programs

None The Saison Foundation in Japan announces two programmes for international support in contemporary theatre and dance to build connections between artists and managers worldwide and Japan.

The Saison Foundation’s International Programs offer the following two types of support:

1. Contemporary Theater and Dance: International Project Support Program (For medium to long-term artistic collaboration projects). Joint grant program by The Saison Foundation and EU-Japan Fest Japan Committee.

2. New!  Contemporary Theater and Dance: Visiting Fellows Program Residence-in-Morishita (Research residencies for Arts Administrator)

I. Contemporary Theater and Dance: International Project Support Program (For medium to long-term artistic collaboration projects) Joint grant program by The Saison Foundation and EU-Japan Fest Japan Committee.

This program offers grants and/or priority use of space at Morishita Studio in Tokyo (Studios and guest room) —for international theater, dance, or performance art collaboration projects with not-for-profit contemporary Japanese performing artists and/or companies, —including creative workshops and rehearsals held during the working process.

Priority will be given to projects —that will advance through continuous working processes, based on sufficient mutual understanding between artistic partners.

*  Applications will be accepted under the condition that an artistic partnership has already been established between the Japanese and foreign artists/companies who will be working together within the proposed project.

*  The maximum length of a grant-receiving period for a continued project is three years. Applicant may include activities related to the preparatory stage of the project, such as meetings, research, residencies, workshops, etc.

* The amount of support sought to the Foundation should not exceed the deficit in the proposed project’s budget. There will be no restrictions on the purpose of grant monies.

II. Contemporary Theater and Dance: Visiting Fellows Program Residence-in-Morishita (Research residencies for Arts Administrator)

This program supports research visits on contemporary theater and dance communities in Japan by arts administrators (Producers, Program Directors, Presenters and Curators) who are expected to play an important role in expanding networks and enhancing mutual understanding in the international performing arts field and who are planning continuous projects with Japan. The program offers grants and Morishita Studio as a base during the arts administrator’s stay in Japan as a visiting fellow.

* Arts administrators traveling to Japan with the purpose of producing or touring a specific piece of work here are not eligible to apply.

*  The main purpose of this program is to help arts administrators from other countries to learn about the Japanese performing arts scene and its current situation, its background, and to appreciate it.

*  Arts administrators based outside Japan and who have achievements to their credit in the field of international exchange projects, not exceeding 45 years of age and are able to communicate in Japanese and/or English are eligible to apply to this program.

*  Both recommendations —by an individual/organization in Japan planning to invite the arts administrator, with the consent of the invitee— and direct applications will be accepted.

*  Travel expenses (a one time round trip economy class air ticket) and/or living expenses will be awarded under this program. Amount of grants will vary according to the funding and contributions from other sources.

*  Additionally, awardees may use the facilities at Morishita Studio, including studio space at a grantee rate, office facilities upon request and guest room (accommodation) free of charge, during their residency in Japan from 2 weeks to a maximum of 2 months, between June 2, 2011 and May 31, 2012.

For further details on Morishita Studio, please see website.

*  The Saison Foundation will be happy to coordinate meetings, interviews, and visits in Japan and provide additional support necessary for research.

* Visiting fellows are required to hold a talk session or presentation on their country’s art scene and their work during their stay and to submit a report on their residency.


See Saison Foundation website for all application guidelines and procedures.