Job opportunity | Head of Arts and Society | British Council - Philippines

The Head of Arts & Society is responsible for providing strategic and operational leadership for the British Council’s work in Arts and Society in the Philippines. The British Council's work in Arts in the Philippines currently focuses on the Creative Industries and links closely with our work in Education.
Deadline for applications: 7 April 2014
We believe we can deepen the level of cultural collaboration in the areas where we are already active, and also broaden our impact by, for example, introducing Arts into our work on social development and linking our work with other countries in the ASEAN region Our work in Society focuses on social enterprise, an area where we have achieved substantial impact and profile in recent years. We believe there are good opportunities to deepen and broaden our work, given rapid economic growth in the Philippines and the range of partnership opportunities that arises from the country’s vibrant social sector.
The British Council is the UK’s agency for cultural relations with operations in 110 countries and territories worldwide. Headquartered in London, it employs over 7,000 people worldwide and has an annual turnover of +£850m. It has a presence in 14 countries in the East Asia region.
This post is full-time and is under a permanent contract.
See website for all the application documents.
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