ASEF Culture360 | Connecting Asia and Europe through arts and culture

Opportunities > Korea | 2020 ACC Asia Dance Community Choreographer LAB - call for Asian choreographers


16 Apr 2020

Korea | 2020 ACC Asia Dance Community Choreographer LAB - call for Asian choreographers

Open Call for 2020 ACC Asia Dance Community Choreographer LAB. The 3 month residential LAB program targets Asian choreographers with experience in the field of traditional and contemporary dance activities. Up to 10 choreographers  will be selected for a program scheduled to run July - September 2020 in Gwangju, Korea.

Asia Culture Center Choreography LAB Program is a work incubation project that aims to promote to widen the creative and artistic views of the participants and provide a platform of exchange and harmony among Asian dancers.

ACC invites new choreographers who are able to create and produce a creative work that can propose the contemporary Asian perspective and value discourses.

The Asia Culture Center (ACC) has carried out the Asia Dance Community Project since 2010 in order to vitalize the Asia dance networks, develop creative dance content, and construct repertoires on the basis of mid-and long-term perspectives through establishing networks among the governments and dancers in Asia. The Choreography LAB Program is a work incubation project that aims to promote to widen the creative and artistic views of the participants and provide a round of exchange and harmony among Asian dancers. It now calls for new choreographers who are able to create and produce a creative work that can propose the contemporary Asian perspective and value discourses. We look forward to a great deal of interests and participation.

Application Deadline: 16 April, 2020