Korea | APE CAMP 2025

Arts Council Korea is inviting applications from Artists, Producers and Engineers who are keen in the convergence of arts and technology to participate in APE CAMP 2025, to be held in Seoul from 24 to 27 May 2025.
Over 4 days in Seoul, selected participants will collaborate in multidisciplinary teams to refine innovative project ideas addressing the intersection of arts and technology and receive mentorship from global professionals. The two outstanding overseas campers will be awarded a prestigious certificate of excellence by the chairperson of the Arts Council Korea (ARKO).
The camp is open to non-Korean nationals with foreign citizenship, who are under the age of 39. Applicants must apply individually and be able to attend all programmes from 24 to 27 May 2025.
For Artists & Producers: Applicants engaging in any artistic discipline, including Creative Writing & Literature, Visual arts, Theater, Musical, Dance, Music, Traditional Arts, Multidisciplinary Arts etc, are welcome to apply. They should have creative experience or have planned activities related to arts and technology.
For Engineers: Individuals who are proficient in the the field of stage technologies, emerging technologies, core sciences, applied engineering and others relevant to arts and technology projects are eligible.
ARKO provides partial support for round-trip airfare, accommodation and meals during the programme.
APE CAMP 2025 application guidelines
Deadline: 2 February 2025