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Opportunities > Korea | DongGang International Photo Festival 2023


29 May 2023

Korea | DongGang International Photo Festival 2023

DongGang International Photo Festival (DIPF) calls for work from artists from around the world for their festival to be held in Yeongwol, Korea, 21 July to 24 September 2023. 

The theme this year is “The Magical Unknowns,” which explores curiosity and the desire to investigate the unknown as an inherent human need. The unknown may encompass not only what is completely unfamiliar but also what is presently disregarded or avoided. Often, uncharted territories have had the most profound impact on human history, whether previously unknown, unimagined, or simply neglected.

Who can apply?

Individuals and collectives are welcome to apply. Individuals should submit 8–12 photographs from a particular series or body of work.

What support is given?

A total of 15 to 20 artists, including “Artist of the year” (individual artist or a team), will benefit from a year-long exhibition starting at the DIPF Festival. They will be included in an art magazine and any related press.

The “Artist of the year” receives a solo exhibition at DIPF and they are eligible for travel and accommodation to attend the opening.

DongGang International Photo Festival application guidelines

Deadline: 29 May 2023