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Opportunities > Korea | Gyeonggi Creation Centre residency programme | open call


14 Dec 2012

Korea | Gyeonggi Creation Centre residency programme | open call


GYEONGGI CREATION CENTER in Korea: RESIDENCY PROGRAM 2013 - call for applications in visual arts, design, performing arts, literature and for research and curatorial residencies.

● Application Deadline: 6 pm (Korea Time) on Dec. 14, 2012

 Creation residency Program

• Visual arts: painting, sculpture, film/video, new media, architecture, design, photo

• Performing arts: dance, music, performance

• Literature

※ You can also apply for mixed media and other genres not shown above.

Research residency Program

• Curator, performing arts presenter, critic, researcher of other areas

○ Residency Scope and Period - see website for all details

Around 30 people will be selected for the Creation residencies (Koreans can apply for one year or 6 month periods and all international applicants can apply for 3  month residencies)

Around 4 individuals or teams will be selected for the Research residencies (6 months for Koreans, 3 months for foreign applicants)

○ Support provided for selected residents

• Provision of individual studio (1 room for 1 person/team)

• Provision of joint creation space (media lab, carpentry room,  seminar room, archive)

• Provision of partial support for production cost for exhibition and project

• Provision of opportunities to participate in residency programs (exhibition, community art, workshop, mentoring,
training program, etc.)

• Provision of opportunities to participate in international exchange programs

• Return flight ticket (economy seat) for foreign residents and Korean residents working/living abroad

• Accident insurance

※ Details will be discussed with Curatorial Team of GCC after being chosen as candidate.

 ○ Qualification and Restrictions

- No restrictions on nationality, age, and media

- Compliance with user rules and to actively participate  in GCC programs

- Using the studio for more than four days a week

- Permitted to reside with one companion (required to notify beforehand)

- No pets and babies are allowed