Korea | International Competition for Sea Art Festival in Busan

The Sea Art Festival in Busan has established a unique exhibition style though a blend of the natural environment, the sea, and high tech contemporary art. It began with the affection and devotion of local artists in 1987, marking its 26th anniversary this year and becoming an event which represents the living history of art of Busan. The Sea Art Festival, which has been integrated with main exhibition along with the birth of the Busan Biennale, has been held in odd-numbered years since 2011 (an off-year for the Busan Biennale), becoming a new cultural independent brand representing the city of Busan.
The Sea Art Festival 2013 will be held at Songdo Beach (September 14 - October 13) with the theme of ‘With Songdo : Remembrance·Marks·People’. In 1913, it opened as the first public beach in Korea. Songdo Beach, which was called East Napoli in Asia during the Japanese colonial era, marks its 100th anniversary this year, with attempts to recover its old reputation through various renovations and maintenance projects. With this in mind, we wish that as many artists, domestic and international, will apply to participate in this International Competition for the Sea Art Festival 2013, which will be held at Songdo Beach.
Art works will be selected: 35 on- and off-shore installations (Competition 20 works, Invitation 15 works ).
The period to submit applications is: May 13 - May 20 2013
Deadline: MAY 20 2013, 18h (Korea time)
See the website for how to apply, details of the large cash prizes, details of what costs the organisers will cover for installation of selected works etc.
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