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Opportunities > Korea | National Art Studio | international residency call


04 Oct 2013

Korea | National Art Studio | international residency call


changdongbuildingThe National Art Studio, Changdong, run by National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea, is now accepting applications for the International Artists Residency Program 2014.

Application period: 12 August ~ 4 October, 2013
Closing date for applications:
postmarked by 4 October, 2013 (arrival within October, 2013)
Discipline: Visual Arts

Residency session: (6months)  1st   term:  15 January - 27 June, 2014 and 2nd term :  2 July - 12 December, 2014
(3months) 15 January - 4 April, 2014
Venue: National Art Studio, Changdong (Seoul)
Origin of candidates: All regions of the world (except Korea)
Language: English

Eligibility for Application:
- Applicants must be established individual artists who are over 25 years old.
* Only individual artists available, not duos or teams. Work partners, assistants, spouses
and family members are allowed for day visits only.
- Artists who have not previously participated in a residency program at the National Art Studio (Changdong/Goyang).
- Proficiency in English (required)
* From this year, we unify International Artists Residency Program and Asia Pacific Artists Fellowship Residency Program. If you plan to apply Asia Pacific Artists Fellowship Residency Program, please apply to this program.

Benefits for selected artists:
- Private studio including accommodation space
inside (free of charge)
- Opportunities for exhibition at studio gallery
- Visiting program, seminar and cultural excursion
- Allowance: KRW 1,000,000 (USD 900) monthly basis (totally KRW 6,000,000 for full 6months resident artists and KRW 3,000,000 for full 3 months resident artists)
* Amount of allowance could be decided by resident period

Applicant’s responsibilities
- Materials required for artistic activities
- Health and Casualty Insurance
- Meals, travel costs, living expense

PLEASE ALSO SEE Call for residencies at the National Art Studio under the UNESCO-Aschberg Bursaries for Artists programme (conditions and timing differ but the deadline is the same)