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Opportunities > Korea | Space Beam Artist Residency 2011


22 Jul 2011

Korea | Space Beam Artist Residency 2011

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Space Beam is currently looking for artists and researchers to participate in the Artist-in-Residence programme 2011. An alternative art space in Baedari, East Incheon, South Korea, Space Beam has been actively engaged in and conducting discussions and various art practices concerning roles of art in the local community.

Event dates: 15th August~14th October 2011

Under the title of ‘PUBLIC STUDIO’, Space Beam has been intervening in the issues of relationship between artists, locals and the local community over the last 5 years. With continuous evaluation and experimental approach to engage in the local community, we have been seeking to engender discourse on contemporary art and artists.

These were to go beyond the accustomed and conventional disposition (artist-relocation-moving into a studio-production-open studio) to run and undertake artist in residency programmes, and to assess and identify roles of art practices and activities. In other words, whereas conventional disposition of artist in residence programmes were to promote artists’ career and to enrich the local community, our approach was to discover alternative ways and methods to genuinely communicate with the locals and to experience the area as a resident through art.

Space Beam Artist-in-Residence Programme 2011 aims to be clearer on its purpose, scheme and expectation on artists in residence on the basis of experiences, achievements and obstacles we have had up until now. ‘Baedari pro_ject & pro_posal’ is initiated to invite projects and proposals for Baedari village that has been facing issues on its redevelopment and an industrial motorway that has been planned to built cross over the village, yet stopped to proceed. This year we expect our artists in residence to work with the locals, specialists and activists to revitalise Baedari as a historical and cultural village through discussions and actions. We want our artists in residence to demonstrate professionalism and to suggest appropriate ethics for village regeneration within 2 months.

For this, Space Beam invites both national and international professionals in the areas of public/community arts, urban planning, architecture, landscape design and public design. We will support participants to realise their projects and to carry out their research by organising meetings with administrators, specialists, activists and artists in the region. We hope to share international opinions on village regeneration, good ways of doing it and to assess its practicality.

Programme Guidelines

-Residency period: 15th August-14th October 2011
-Participants: national and international participants (5 in total)
-Areas: public/community arts, urban planning, architecture, landscape, public design

-Aims: to seek and suggest directions for revitalisation of Baedari based on its historical and cultural qualities.

All participants are expected to;
- know the historical and cultural characteristics of Baedari
- share current issues in Baedari
- share activities and experiences in Baedari and residency outcomes

Public/community arts: Participants are expected to carry out proposed projects and programmes focused on specific space or area or group in the community

Urban planning: Participants are expected to analyse issues in redevelopment and facility planning in the region and suggest appropriate strategies

Architecture: Participants are expected to suggest remodelling plans of the Baedari to become a cultural and historical village

Landscape design: Participants are expected to make suggestions to utilise the industrial motorway site considering historical and cultural characteristics of Baedari

Public design: Participants are expected to make design plans on the idea of grassroots and suggest strategies to facilitate them

*Participants can work together

-Outcomes: Programme report & Forum Publication

-Support and Stipend
For International participants: One-way flight (Outbound only)
For all participants: 2,500,000 KRW Grant to carry out the selected project
Accommodation (shared living space within Baedari)
Research guidance
Network opportunities
Assistance to proceed a project

-Selection methods: Open call, Recommendation and Invitation

-Eligibility: Anyone who is willing and able to undertake the programme professionally, can apply

-Application deadline: Friday the 22nd July 2011

- International artists are required to have fluency in English or Korean.

How to Apply

Email to the email address below:
- Brief Biography (including address and contact details)
- Short statement about your expectation on the programme and objectives for the period
- Portfolio
- other documentations prove your career; e.g. catalogues, exhibition guides and leaflets etc. (optional)

* There is no specific application form.

Selection Procedure

- A selection panel appointed by Space Beam will review the applications
- Notification will be made on Space Beam website ( no earlier than Monday the 25th July. Selected artists will be also directly notified via email
* International participants might be asked to cooperate for entry visa.

Contact: Space Beam Community 7 Changyoung-dong 401-802 Dong-gu, Incheon South Korea phone: +82 (0)32 422 8630 fax: +82 (0)32 428 8630

See also Space Beam on Facebook

This opportunity came via Artservis (Thanks!)