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Opportunities > Kyoto Art Center | Performing Arts residency 2018


30 Jun 2017

Kyoto Art Center | Performing Arts residency 2018


Kyoto Art Center’s Artist-in-Residence Program offers support to emerging artists and art researchers who wish to pursue creative activities in Kyoto. The Center alternates between hosting performing arts artist and visual artist every year. In 2018, the program is open for performing artists and researchers.

More details here


• Emerging artists and art researchers based on performing arts (Dance, theater and music and others.), who have clearly reason to work and research in Kyoto.
*It’s possible to apply every year by writer and cross-media artist.
• Applicants must:
- Organize public program for Kyoto citizens during the residency.
- Communicate in English or Japanese.

Support provided:

• Accommodation during the residency period. [Maximum 3 months]
• Studio for production and research at Kyoto Art Center.
• Round-trip air ticket from residential area to Kansai International Airport or Osaka International Airport
• Production and research cost: JPY100,000 (including tax).- for an individual or a group
(not each member).
• Publicity
• Assistance by art coordinator.

Residency period: Maximum 3 months from April 1st [Sun], 2018 - March 31st [Sun], 2019

Application deadline: 30 June 2017

Image: A.lter.Sessio "LOSS" (2016) Photo by Yoshikazu INOUE